- Mar 28, 2023
- 562
- 1,122
___________________________________________+++++++__________________________________________________it is pretty easy to end them now.
It doesn't make any sense for Sophia to ever have sex with the old guys, as it would take a lot of scenes to get Sophia to a point to do that, which would drag out AWAM for too long. At best a one-off event that makes the old guy day is prob all Sophia would do and it ends that.
Even though I think the tutoring job has much potential, eventually Sophia is going to figure out the boys know more than they letting on and she has been tricked. Just have Sophia figure it out and we choose between her not tutoring again, or leaving and speaking to their mum, saying they don't need tutoring again but she is convinced by their mum to do one more tutoring session to make sure. Sophia is mad and not looking forward to it, but later, she realizes that she rather enjoyed it and in the tutoring session we decide how far she goes in that last tutoring session.
I would personally prefer Sophia to figure it out and play along with it for the remainder of AWAM, but the above does naturally bring the tutoring job to a quick end but also a satisfactory end.
Also, I never believed Sophia would have sex with all 3 of them, certainly not anywhere near Sophia agreeing to that right now in the story, at best a blowjob maybe or finishing the handjob from the earlier scene.
The only negative coming out of the "side jobs," being ended, is not seeing how the Developer workout an ending because there is no way out of the plot trap the Developer created with both jobs. Think of it as seeing a train wreck approaching and you want to wait around and see what happens. There is no exit even if the side job routes were left open.
The Old men route:
Worst side job of the two. The character of Sophia has two sides. The socially accepted, mother, wife, and functional member of society she has crafted for herself. She conforms to the norms that society expects of her. Then there is the wild side of Sophia, where she can be tempted, hasn't had enough exploration prior to settling down and events keep awakening her urges and desires as well as she is a creature of her past wanting to relive her youth.
The old men do nothing to reawaken old memories or adventures from her youth. She was very much like her daughter, Ellie, in how she saw boys. Then there is the social conformist Sophia that further acts as a wall. Sophia isn't attracted to either of them since she has the attention of all the "young" viral males around her giving her the sort of attention she always liked throughout her life. Worst she almost has total control over her behaviors and events don't occur that makes her want to give in. The Developer hasn't put it in such blunt terms, but Sophia wants to be ridden and experience her full sexual energy. Two old farts would come up short in that department.
The Boys Route:
More an issue of lost opportunity and timing that makes letting the boys have their way with her not a valid option. If the Developer really wanted this route to work, a breakthrough needed to have occurred in the last tutoring session with the boys. I could see Sophia getting excited over the attention from the boys and could have sparked her curiosity of "what if," or "what it would be like." When Sophia was on the phone call during the last tutoring session, she could have felt those corrupting feelings of being touched and explored. The player could have seen the inner monologue and struggle to deal with it. Then in a release or two Sophia could be presented with the whole issue, and the Developer could have taken us all down that rabbit hole to whatever ending the Developer wanted--more or less.
Both side job routes ignore Sophia's basic character build and fails to exploit it to a workable ending.